Stocks (CBOE): Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway



Ireland Stocks (CBOE) - Stocks

Choosen by many international companies for its favourable tax environment, Ireland offers a diversified equity market accessible to investors and institutions worldwide through the Cboe Europe Derivatives Exchange (Cboe DXE). New technologies, financial services, pharmaceuticals... The Irish equity market allows investors to invest in a large number of sectors while benefiting from a stable and transparent regulatory framework. The main index of the Irish Stock Exchange, the ISEQ 20 comprises the 20 largest companies listed in Ireland and is a major indicator of Ireland's economic health. The more comprehensive ISEQ Overall Index covers all companies listed on the Irish Stock Exchange. Finally, other more confidential stock market indices target certain more specific segments of companies, based in particular on the size of their capitalisation. This is the case of the ISEQ Small Cap Index, which focuses on small-cap companies. Also known as the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE), the Irish stock exchange is managed by Euronext (the European stock exchange group operating financial markets in several European countries, including France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal and Ireland). Since becoming part of Euronext in March 2018, the Irish exchange benefits from operational, technological and regulatory synergies with the other markets managed by the group, while continuing to serve the Irish economy and Irish-listed companies.

Amount of Instruments: 22

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